The Brother Brothers return with new album "Cover to Cover"

The Brother Brothers, an acoustic fraternal duo, released their latest album Cover to Cover and
it is filled with songs that will touch your heart, reach into your memories, pull out your dormant
nostalgia, seep into broken love, water your eyes, and let you fall asleep in a soft bed without
any worries. The keyboard in their opening track “That’s How I Got to Memphis” will remind any
music lover of “Dancing in the Moonlight” by King Harvest. I had the opportunity to see them
perform live at the Lodge Room when they opened for the jazz spectacular duo Rachael and
Vilray. They are a magical brotherly act that should be seen in a small venue before they get
any bigger. They are the millennial Simon & Garfunkel, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, and Glen
Campbell, all wrapped in one. Stay tuned as I review individual tracks on this sumptuous album.
(Listen to the album below)